AviAlliance (formerly HOCHTIEF AirPort) is one of the world’s leading private industrial airport investors. The company participates in airport privatizations worldwide and acquires concessions. The company is distinguished by its combination of strategic airport management, customized project development, and comprehensive investment services. This enables the company to realistically assess the opportunities of a substantial, long-term capital investment in this sector, control risks, and successfully ensure value enhancement with a carefully elaborated investment strategy.


Airport management is becoming increasingly complex, which poses major challenges for operators. Competent support is often vital in coping with such demands. At the same time, properly managed airports make attractive investments. With its unique expertise, AviAlliance has already established a strong position in this promising future market. AviAlliance is a committed, long-term partner for public institutions and financial investors in privatization projects throughout each airport’s entire value chain.

AviAlliance was founded in 1997, when international construction services provider HOCHTIEF consolidated its airport management activities into an independent corporate division. Since 2013, AviAlliance has been a subsidiary of PSP Investments, Canada.


Airports are attractive assets that provide stable returns. This is why privatizations and airport investments increasingly attract interest among investors. AviAlliance recognized the opportunities in the aviation market at an early stage, and systematically built up a balanced portfolio of airport holdings. The company currently holds shares in the airports of Athens, Budapest, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and San Juan (Puerto Rico).

Public acceptance of an airport in the region plays an essential role in its economic success. Against this background, AviAlliance has a clear policy of responsible environmental management, and uses natural resources sparingly in the development, expansion, and operation of its airports. Compliance with international standards and seeking a dialog with residents and local partners are an integral part of every project.