Could you please explain some of the camera security solutions that you offer?

Christoph Kreis: Specifically, Dallmeier provides a range of camera systems that allow our customers to tackle all their safety and security challenges, and comply fully with operational and regulatory requirements. On top of that, Dallmeier supplies video-management solutions that not only give operators an exhaustive overview of securityrelevant events, but also allow video data to be analysed with a view to optimising business processes, including ground-handling operations.

Has the airport security market been an important sector for Dallmeier in recent years?

Over the past few years, the company has implemented a number of video-monitoring solutions for airports around the world. Those solutions covered a wide range of applications and requirements, and we expect demand to grow as we are working on enhancing and expanding our airport-specific products.

Is the DF5400HD-DN/IR seen as particularly relevant to the airside market? If so, what are its particular advantages to this sector?

The DF5400HD-DN/IR – and infrared cameras generally – are relevant to customers across many different sectors. Perimeter protection is obviously a top security priority for airport operators. Several recent incidents involving unauthorised access onto airfields have highlighted the need to ensure that airport perimeters are monitored carefully. It is important to use video systems to track an intruder, but the ultimate goal is to prevent an intrusion in the first place. IR cameras are a key component of any video security system, and the Dallmeier line of advanced IR cameras is ideally suited to the task.

What particular aspects of airport security do your cameras address?

Our camera systems are generally designed for use in all areas of an airport: landside as well as airside. We always make sure to work closely with our customers throughout all stages of a project so that we can provide specialised solutions.

What sets your systems apart from other video security equipment used at airports?

The high quality of our systems, our comprehensive project planning and our after-sales support distinguish us from our competitors. Our technology is also unique. Panomera, our patented multifocal sensor technology, was specifically developed for the surveillance of large areas. With this technology, large areas can be scanned in new resolution, in real time and at high frame rates of up to 30fps. Using Panomera, a huge area can be surveyed from a single location, and the resolution can be scaled depending on the customer’s needs. For example, one Panomera system equipped with eight sensors is equivalent to 35 standard megapixel cameras. This allows customers to save money. Considering airports typically cover large areas, the ability to clearly recognise and identify objects, even over long distances, is incredibly useful for operators.

Do you have plans to add any new products or systems to your airport video security portfolio in future?

Dallmeier is always working on improving existing products, as well as developing new technologies. We aim to address the needs of customer by relying on our collective experience and expertise, and to provide them with customised solutions based on our entire product range.

How is technology changing in regard to camera/video security systems?

Generally, video security systems will become more interconnected and increasingly automated. We listen closely to what our customers – including airports – need, and provide them with practical solutions. Anticipating market needs, Dallmeier has repeatedly introduced groundbreaking technologies and will continue developing quality products.