Emulate3D develops industrial engineering software used to analyse, understand, and improve the performance of baggage handling systems, and to test the logical operation of the control system offline, reducing onsite time and costs.

Continuing growth in airport construction around the world has resulted in a clear requirement for robust, thoroughly tested Baggage Handling Systems (BHS), delivered on time, and within budget. The reputation of an airport stands or falls with the ability of its BHS to deliver bags to the right place, on time, every time.

Emulate3D controls testing reduces commissioning risks

Emulate3D Controls Testing provides you with a flexible testbed to ensure your BHS controls will operate to specification under all contractual operating conditions. By taking the logical controls testing off the project’s critical path, your testing program is no longer subject to production and installation delays. Testing can begin earlier in the project cycle, and be completed within schedule. Removing the majority of testing from the end of the project also means you’ve removed a major source of uncertainty from the schedule, making both cost and time estimates more accurate, and reducing the overall level of risk associated with the project.

Build BHS models easily from standard components

Virtual commissioning consists of connecting your control system to an accurate model of the BHS, and introducing realistic baggage flows to drive it. Emulate3D baggage handling models are built from supplied catalogue items which accurately represent the equipment commonly used in BHS. You can modify these items to suit your requirements, or easily replace them with company-specific equipment. Individual bags contain specific tag data relating to their flight and ownership, and this data is read within the model and relayed to the control system exactly as it would be in the real world.

Virtual commissioning verifies system operation offline

By running realistic bag schedules into the model under your control, Emulate3D Controls Testing provides a repeatable, cost-effective, and safe testing environment for your BHS controls. When the model highlights an issue with the control system, you simply reset the model ready to run again once the control issue has been addressed.

Test and debug your control system against an accurate digital twin

Emulate3D Controls Testing models are the real system’s digital twin, and are connected natively to a wide range of PLCs via the model’s tag browser. In addition they can be connected to other manufacturer’s products via a wide range of standard industrial protocols. The Emulate3D development framework facilitates robust connections to WMS, WCS, and ERP systems for high level emulation of flight management and bag dispatch systems.

Simulate baggage throughput, dimension storage accurately

Designing the BHS layout and testing different buffer sizes, overload and recovery situations is made simpler using Sim3D. Building data driven models based on customer supplied data is the only way to develop a resilient and flexible layout solution. Sim3D models lead to better solutions and a greater understanding of the system response to changing operational conditions. Sim3D reduces the risk associated with designing complex systems, and helps you communicate your solutions effectively to all project stakeholders.

Present your work convincingly with virtual and augmented reality

Emulate3D models can be easily viewed, explored and discussed using a wide variety of augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) systems. VR systems immerse users within the model where they can navigate and interact with the control system via in-model browser-based HMIs, viewing complex operations in a clear and convincing way. Users can start and stop equipment, or move bags from one conveyor to another in order to demonstrate the control system detects and flags the change, for example.

Virtual reality cuts project time and costs

Automation system projects invariably involve meetings between you and your clients, often resulting in travel and time away from what you should be doing in order to have an hour or so explaining the latest modifications or progress. Now there’s a better way – you start the model, and your clients can join you in the virtual world with their own headset, from wherever they are. They can be in the same room, or they can be in a different country, but you’ll be side by side in the model, able to see the other participants’ avatars, able to hear each other and see where you are looking and pointing. So you don’t need to arrange an on-site meeting to discuss the latest changes – just join online as often as you need to and keep your clients engaged.

Emulate3D provides training and support

Emulate3D provides a variety of training options at all levels to ensure you get the most out of your investment, and we offer support designed for your needs from initial use to expert level and ongoing project approach advice.

Please use the form below to request an online demonstration of how Emulate3D technology can help you.
