FNT is a leading innovator of integrated software solutions for IT management, data center infrastructure management and telecommunications infrastructure management worldwide. An airport’s infrastructure is a vast array of cable networks and IT services. It’s the lifeblood of the modern airport. As airport infrastructures become more complex, it becomes increasingly important to better manage the information that is required to maintain continuous airport services.

FNT Command is FNT’s flagship solution for enabling infrastructure and service automation. It provides full transparency into IT and telecommunications infrastructure for managing IT assets, cabling and infrastructure, data centers, and telecommunications resources. This visibility enables airport operators to gain a better understanding of their infrastructure assets, capacities, locations, and the logical associations of components. This critical insight makes it possible for airports to provide high-value IT and telecommunications services to travelers, airlines and vendors.

Full Transparency into IT and Telecommunications Infrastructure

FNT Command is a centralised control and optimisation platform. It’s powered by an integrated data model that is a single source for information about all physical, logical and virtual network assets. Asset information is made actionable by user-friendly software that simplifies and streamlines all planning, fulfillment and assurance processes for telecommunications, cable networks, plant management, data center infrastructure management and IT infrastructure management.

A comprehensive connectivity layer enables integrating FNT’s central data repository with a wide range of specialised systems, and its open system architecture allows complete and seamless integration with external applications. Airports that use FNT Command can achieve full infrastructure and service automation. This will enable them to quickly and easily provision new services, correctly attribute services to customers, minimise issue resolution time and adapt to the changing demands of a digitally transforming world.