Global Security & Innovative Strategies (GSIS) is a security consulting and investigative firm headquartered in Washington, DC that provides worldwide services. Our backgrounds in public safety, national security, audits, investigations, and executive management provide the foundation for the work we do in aviation security, assessment, design, and implementation.

The GSIS approach to aviation security

GSIS understands that threats to aviation are constantly evolving. The static, post-9-11 checkpoint will quickly be overcome as remote and cyber threats become commonplace. Our aviation security experts recognize that comprehensive security design and technology development must keep pace with this diverse threatscape and that the aviation industry must break ground on the ‘airport of the future’ today.

As threats shift and airports grow in size and interoperability, security postures must become more innovative, maximising the use of technology and artificial intelligence, and extending the security environment beyond the physical grounds of an airport. Our aviation thought leaders approach new security challenges with outside-the-box solution sets, translating innovative ideas into operational capabilities within the aviation security sector. GSIS’ experience and understanding of the aviation security environment, coupled with its extensive experience in system design, data architectures, and technology integration, make us uniquely qualified to assist any air carrier or airport authority in realizing what is required to successfully operate in the future aviation security ecosystem. These capabilities also translate well into other transportation security modes, including mass transit, marine transportation, and other, large-venue industries.

GSIS also provides best-in-class support and assistance to airports and air carriers in responding to and meeting US and foreign requirements, guidelines, and advisories. We have developed a detailed approach to provide strategic vision and tactical support to the world’s leading airlines and aviation hubs. Our team of experts utilise their diverse backgrounds to deliver specialised resources and execute systems and processes that layer technology and data, ensure interoperability, and look towards the future of innovation.

GSIS’ Aviation Security Team

The GSIS Aviation Security Team includes thought leaders and former government executives in aviation security design, technology, policy, and inspection. Collectively, our team has over 150 years of experience in developing and implementing the security protocols and technologies that have kept US aviation infrastructure secure.

Our team of experts has unmatched experience with ICAO, IATA, EU, and TSA security procedures. Our extensive knowledge of international aviation security standards and ICAO-certified auditors enable us to perform security audits to assist Civil Aviation Authorities meet or exceed industry standards. GSIS’ ICAO-certified instructors have developed and delivered the ICAO International Auditors Course and Quality Control Program to dozens of aviation security professionals, resulting in the certification of ICAO auditors throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

We have expertise in threat and vulnerability assessment methodologies, as well as substantial experience developing protocols for response to threats from terrorism and crime. GSIS has led teams of inspectors conducting airport and air carrier assessments and inspections domestically and internationally. Our team has led global security teams responsible for prevention of aviation security threats at major events, including the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup. We have designed global best practices for aviation security and continue to shape industry standards as threats evolve in our modern era. We have unmatched multidisciplinary resources in all facets of aviation security.

The GSIS aviation team includes:

John Halinski became TSA’s Deputy Administrator in July 2012. As deputy administrator, he was responsible for helping TSA grow as a high-performance counterterrorism agency. Halinski joined TSA in July 2004, serving in the Office of Global Strategies (OGS) before assuming his role as Deputy Administrator. In this capacity Halinski served as the COO for the 62,000 person TSA. Mr Halinski spearheaded an operational change which stressed a risk based approach to security at TSA.

Steve Karoly most recently served as TSA’s acting assistant administrator for the Office of Requirements and Capabilities Analysis from December 2016 to March 2018. As the acting assistant administrator, Karoly was a key management official responsible for assessing and identifying capabilities needed to meet TSA mission requirements. Karoly oversaw the Agency’s system risk analysis, modeling capabilities, and innovation task force initiation. Mr. Karoly also served as the TSA’s deputy assistant administrator for the Office of Security Capabilities where he oversaw the implementation and development, test and evaluation, acquisition, deployment and maintenance of all TSA security technologies and systems across multiple modes of transportation.

Kelly Hoggan served as assistant administrator for Screening Operations at TSA where he was the chief management official responsible for TSA’s security operations — a $4.1 billion annual effort overseeing 55,000 TSA employees screening over 1.8 million passengers at 450 US airports daily. Mr. Hoggan managed all security programs related to these airports and served as TSA’s chief technical expert on airport operations, programs, activities, and screening technologies.

Kevin Cahill served as TSA’s liaison responsible for aviation and transportation security issues for 14 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, including the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Poland. He also served as US delegate to the ICAO Aviation Security Panel and US Representative to ICAO Aviation Security Working Groups, helping insure that US aviation policies were included as a key part of the overall global security strategy.

GSIS’ areas of focus Include:

  • Preclearance qualification
  • Security assessments
  • Security plan design and implementation
  • Crisis management
  • Compliance with US Federal Government Aviation Security Directives
  • Cargo security and screening procedures
  • AVSEC training and education (ICAO Certified)
  • Development of AVSEC quality assurance programmes
  • Development of threat mitigation
  • Strategies ranging from physical to operational to cyber
  • Assessment of existing security solutions from both a threat mitigation and passenger facilitation standpoin
  • Technology reviews, assessments and consulting
  • Capability development planning and execution
  • Operational risk management.

Products and services:

  • Security and investigative services, government affairs and advocacy, business advisory services.