Interlem is an Italian ICT and consulting group, flanking companies to use all the potential offered by new technologies since 2002.

In this scenario, Interlem is a cutting edge partner capable of successfully sighting new corporate targets through digital transformation projects, able to release resources and simplify business. Its professionals help the managers of the various business areas to identify and reach their objectives, designing and implementing solutions based on enterprise platforms, new communication channels and digital media.

At Interlem, Big Data, Cloud computing, social networking and mobility are not only representative of market trends, but are also elements of an innovative path that any company can follow in order to reach success.

From technological consultancy to management of turnkey projects, Interlem’s offer mainly involves the following areas:

  • management consulting
  • business intelligence, analytics and Big Data
  • enterprise applications and CRM
  • mobile apps and portal solutions
  • digital business, eCommerce
  • Cloud computing.

The companies to which we turn, typically belong to the following sectors: transport, telecommunications, finance, industry, commerce, utilities and energy.

Product profile

Aeropolis: Ever more like cities or shopping centres

Every year almost 1.7 billion passengers go through the most important European airports, while over 1.6 million employees serve more than 20.8 million yearly flights. The turnover of the "non-aviation" activities is growing and today such activities engage 15% of airport employees. Ever more like cities or shopping centres, airports are transforming into a location chosen for shopping and services that are not necessarily connected only to the needs of passengers. Not surprisingly, in order to describe the complexity and potential of these areas, they are referred to as "Aeropolis". Therefore, for the operators of this sector, the need arises to streamline and strengthen the information structures managing the information on hundreds of passengers, customers and operators who arrive, buy, remain and depart from airports every day.

A necessary integration

SEA, Aeroporti di Milano, is the company that manages the Milan airports of Malpensa and Linate. Like many other operators in this sector, it could only take advantage of and manage data on its customers through vertical applications where the information, contained in different systems, was not related and it was not possible to manage it in an organic way.

SEA’s objectives were to increase the focus on its airport customers, improving their relationships with same; manage the large amount of information coming from international events that will take place in Milan; gain the trust of passengers and prospects, guaranteeing increasingly efficient services with a high added value; provide new instruments to the staff in contact with the passengers in order to support their operability; and prepare dashboards of analysis and monitoring of a few business processes like sales and the provision of services, to improve the performance and delivery of same.


Air-il-CRM was the solution chosen by Milan Airports in order to reach its goals. The Interlem software solution for airports operators, Air-il-CRM is able to boost airports’ non-aviation revenues by:

  • supporting all operating teams (both Front Office and Back Office)
  • managing all the touchpoints with customers (es.: e-commerce, call centre, info desk, lost and found, parking)
  • providing analytical dashboard to have an insight on the customers’ behaviour.

Thanks to Air-il-CRM, SEA has been able to measure improvements related to the management of operative activities, as well as to the strategic and analytical phases. From an operative point of view, Air-CRM provides a panel to each of the front office functions, through which the staff can manage the different types of customer contact (info desk, call centre, lost and found). This solution has enabled us to considerably reduce the operative times while a centralised data environment has significantly cut down the errors generated in the information exchange.

Today, the production of company reporting is more efficient, owing to the possibility of generating reports on integrated data; in the past, it was not possible to extract this, since it came from different environments. A simplified reporting is available on a monthly basis, which can be easily consulted by the top management.

Air-il-CRM has therefore allowed us to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all the front office activities, likewise for the back office processes of the Milan airports, making the operators’ task easier and quicker, helping to increase the satisfaction of travelers. Air-il-CRM also supports the company management in all the phases of design, communication and delivery of value to the customer, determining the success and performance of the business.

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