In the face of increasing weather extremes, winter operations managers must be able to act quickly and efficiently to deliver anti-icing and de-icing solutions. Frederic Versavel, business manager de-icing solutions at Proviron, explains how the company’s high-performance products and expertise help customers to focus on their core business: ensuring the utmost safety in take-offs and landings.

Proviron has long-standing expertise in runway de-icing products and, since partnering with Cryotech in 2013, has also been supplying aircraft de-icing products. How has the link-up strengthened your position in Europe?

Frederic Versavel: The partnership between Proviron and Cryotech is a perfect match connecting two well-established and respected companies in the de-icing industry. By sharing our de-icing knowledge and experience from North America to Europe and vice versa, we try to create the best and most innovative de-icing products in the business in order to strengthen our positions in both continents.

Following the link-up, you began manufacturing Cryotech Polar Guard II. What does this de-icer offer and what applications is it best suited to?

Cryotech Polar Guard II fluid is a recently developed type II aircraft de/anti-icing fluid combining long holdover times with good stability and low viscosity, and provides easier handling and application. It can be used in one or two-step aircraft de-icing.

Proviron also recently built a new manufacturing plant. How has this supported your expansion?

Proviron invested in building a new manufacturing plant for aircraft de/anti-icing fluids in 2013. Since then, times have been very exciting for the company. All Proviron employees involved in sale, production, supply chain, quality control or customer service for the aircraft de-icing fluids are extremely proud of their accomplishments, and they all share the same goal: supplying a top-quality chemical product to Proviron customers at all times and under all circumstances, even during the most severe and challenging winter conditions. By adding the aircraft de-icing fluids to its ‘Provifrost’ product portfolio, the company is further expanding its presence in high-quality niche aviation chemicals.

Which of Proviron’s products enjoyed the best sales for winter 2015/16 and why?

Europe again experienced a mild winter in 2015/16. Despite this, Proviron managed to perform better than expected due to the increased interest shown by airlines, ground handlers and airports in the type I, II and IV Cryotech aircraft de/anti-icing fluids.

Climate change means winter can see severe cold spells but is also very changeable. How does this affect anti/de-icing strategies and supply?

The unpredictability of winter weather makes de-icing very challenging. Forward planning and preparing for the worst case scenario is critical for winter operations teams, and fluid manufacturers or suppliers, even after three mild winters. All Proviron employees involved in de-icing must be extremely focused and flexible every day during winter. Once the snow hits, customers count on us to supply the fluids as agreed.

How does Proviron help customers save time and money, while also ensuring the highest levels of runway and aircraft safety?
Proviron offers a type II aircraft de/anti-icing fluid with very good holdover times and a type IV aircraft de/anti-icing fluid that is very easy to spray on the aircraft. This helps customers make cost and time savings.

Apart from the product benefits, efficiencies can also be achieved by making sure all parties can focus on their core business without having to worry about other issues. The core business of the Proviron customers is to spray de-icing products on to aircraft or runways in order to ensure safe take-offs and landings; the core business of Proviron is to manufacture and supply high-quality de-icing products at all times and under all circumstances.

By saying what we do and doing what we say, our customers can fully focus on their winter operations, ensuring safe take-offs and landings. In the end, that is what the winter operation business is all about.